Pet Adoption Information

Animal Enforcement Division

Drew Robinson Chief Deputy


Phone: 252-792-1027

Physical Address:
1421 Landfill Road Williamston, NC  27892

Office Hours: 
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday
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Pet Adoption

Are you ready to adopt a pet now?  Here are some things to consider:

  • If in an apartment, are you allowed to have a pet in your home?  Check the Housing Guide to the right for a complete listing.
  • Are you aware of your local animal control laws?  Some communities have strict leash laws and limit the number of pets you may own.  Some communities require licenses for pets.  Be informed.
  • Is anyone in your household allergic to animals?  If so, how will you handle this?
  • Have you thought about how an animal may affect your lifestyle?  If your lifestyle changes, what will you do with your pet?
  • Be sure to select an animal that fits your schedule and exercise routine.  Be aware of the time needed to care for a pet.
  • Have you considered the adoption of an older pet?  Some older pets are more suitable, calmer, and may be housebroken.
  • Do you have supplies for a new pet?  Can you make a financial commitment to a new pet for the next 10-20 years?  Are you willing to make an emotional commitment to a new pet?  Will the pet be a member of the family?
  • Do you have a veterinarian?  If not, you will need to choose one to provide future medical care for your new pet.

Please come by the Martin County Animal Shelter on Monday - Friday (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM) to consider pets for adoption.

The Martin County Animal Enforcement Division also partners with Moratoc Animal Rescue for pet adoptions and other issues concerning animals.  Moratoc Animal Rescue holds adoption clinics regularly.

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